May 27, 2006 

Meet Derrick

So when I wrote Pure Chance, I had to think about what Talan would look like. After 5 seconds of thinking, I knew I wanted him to look like Derrick Davenport. Derrick is a body builder/playgirl model and absolute HUNK! Basically, Talan's likeness was inspired by Derrick, with just one minor difference - Talan has blue eyes.

Thought I'd let you know.

May 24, 2006 

Chapter Five of 'Pure Chance' now up!

I have posted Chapter Five of Pure Chance. It's almost time for me to hit the sack but I wanted to get this done before I did - otherwise I'd never get it done! You never get anywhere when you procrastinate. Speaking of which, I knew someone once who had a saying that goes, "Procrastination is like masturbation; it feels good when you're doing it, but in the end you're just f***ing yourself". You gotta love that phrase, charming as it is!

Okay, enjoy the update people.

Oh, and I've added a new blog by Antifreeze to my blogroll titled From Void, To Substance. You'll find short stories he has written there, though at the moment he's got his current work up, 'Strays'. Check it out, his writing is really good. His blog is shaping up quite wonderfully too.

May 08, 2006 

Thank you for your comments - I mean it!

When I wrote Centre of March, I first posted it up on the Nifty Archives where I received a lot more exposure and consequently, a lot of emails of appreciation and support. While I don't write solely for the purpose of acquiring criticism (not the negative type!) or praise, they do help to motivate me in my writing. It keeps me going, knowing that other people enjoy my work.

I must admit though, I've only posted Chapter One of Pure Chance on Nifty, so I haven't been getting a lot of readers visiting this site from there yet. Yeah, I know, I'm so slack.

Back on topic though, I want to thank those of you who continually come back to this meagre site of mine (so far!) and an even bigger THANK YOU to those of you who have posted some really nice comments (Such as Antifreeze, Thunderstorm, Francois, and Anonymous - I'm not sure if you're the same person or more than one - but thanks guys!). I really do appreciate it.

Oh, and I forgot, I've added a blogroll, the first link I have is Letters For Zac, it's a blog from the perspective of a gay father with letters written to his son, partner and the world. Check it out, he's a really sweet guy, the open-honesty of his reflective writing are both poignant and heartfelt.

I will add to my blogroll as I come across other notable gay blogs. Otherwise, if you have a blog of your own and you wish to be added, please feel free to email me and let me know.

Ciao for now.

May 07, 2006 

Addicted to drama

Why is it that some people love drama. I mean, there are those that will actively seek conflict whenever they see the opportunity. Yet they will whine and complain about how things are unfair and how they are the poor victims.

With a sympathetic look and a nod of my head I say, "Yes, I know, it's not fair, but you just have to stop thinking about it. Don't stress too much. Don't let it get to you."

While I'd prefer to say, "You need to take responsibility for your own actions because you are in exactly the position you put yourself." It's just not possible - some people crave drama and until they learn to break free from the compulsion for theatrics they will never understand that statement as helpful advice, but rather, interpret it as aggressive . Plus, if I were to say that I would be given a very strange look and never be spoken to again.

What can you do? Social interaction can be so complicated. I'm glad my interpersonal skills aren't too dismal.

About me

  • I'm Hayden
  • From Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • I live in Brisbane, Australia. I'm an aspiring novelist and one day hope to publish a book. I'm something of a romantic and I know that one day I'll find the right guy for me.
My profile

My Short Stories